Our summer camps provide an atmosphere and play that kids wont get anywhere else! We combine fun and learning with gymnastics as kids do a varitety of games and play within the gym. If you are looking for gymnastics intensive weeks those are avaiable but our day to day summer camps are about fun and fitness. Kids will get gymnastics instruction as well on several events and will rotate through a gambit of games, plus enjoy free time. They will have two snack breaks throughout the day and will have lunch. Kids ages 3-4 can come from 8am-1pm while kids ages 5 and up can enjoy the whole day with us.
For more information:
Come join us this summer for lots of FUN! Sign ups can be done by stopping by our office, calling, or emailing! Want to come by and check us out? Please do! We can set up a tour of the facility by calling: 828-328-3794!